Sunday, February 22, 2009

Deck Photos

When Bryan and I moved into this place, the roof access was a major plus. So we decided to make it into a deck. We added all the tiles and it is one of our favorite places to escape daily life.

Always the princess, Ms. Lelu stares down Toki from a safe distance.
Flying Toki.
What a majestic beast she is.

Before pictures.....Before pictures.....

Random Pet Pictures

Being a spoiled puppy with sooo many toys is tons of fun. I see three here in the picture and she tries to play with all of them at once.
Our cats worshiping the heat god.
Toki's favorite place to nap...
Please play with this poor neglected dog.
The newest addition, Suki the fish....yes....I named the fish.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Torties Meet

Size comparison to an Ipod Shuffle. Tonks is on the left and Wandi on the right.
We had to restrain Tonks because he really wanted to taste this new interesting thing named Wandi.
This was their first encounter together.
Seconds before he opens his mouth. Wandi showed no interest.

Toki Invasion

That was a tennis ball at one point.
How can you say "NO" to this face?
They are almost....dare I say... Friends!

It is really hard work being a puppy.... sometimes you just have to take a nap in the water bowl.

The Waking Beast

So I find it especially cute when Toki wakes up from naps and does this sort of rolling snarling act.

NoFx Concert

One of my all time favorite bands! Whenever they have a show in LA we make a point to go, because after 25 years, who knows how much longer they will be on tour.

3 Inches of Blood

These guys always put on a great show. They are one of our favorite Fantasy Metal bands.